Thursday, September 15, 2011

Support Public School when buying Gourmet Desserts, Pizza and Sweet Treats.

All American Chocolate Cake
Looking for best gourmet desserts, pizza or sweet treats?  Claire's gourmet has what you need.  You will not only get to have yummy treat, but you will help giving so much to our school.   Claire's gourmet is teaming up with many organizations and schools around the country for fundraiser.  If you're planing to raise money for your organization, you can simply sign up with Claire's gourmet.

In order for an organization to earn money, you must enter codes for the participant and the organization.

There are many good looking gourmet desserts to choose from
like this 4 lbs, 10' All American Chocolate Cake, which goes for $25.95.
or "gourmet turtle cheesecake"
gourmet turtle cheesecake

 There are also many choices of gourmet pizza, cookies and sweet treats as you can see from screen short below.

Gourmet Pizza

Gourmet cookies and sweet treats

So, stop by today and help support my kids' public school (Paint Branch Elementary School in College Park, MD) today and get yourself a yummy treat.

When checking out, you'll need to enter these codes;

Participant code = 007814

Organization code = 4003

Thank you for your support!

1 comment:

  1. Hey!!!
    It looks yummy.... hmmm. your recipe are so lovely. this chocolate cake are so delicious. i liked your recipe.


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