Thursday, June 14, 2007

First twins in the family.

Suwan and Anchalee at 6 months of age

That's right. Our daughters are the first twins ever known in my family and my husband family. We were very excited when we first found out. We named them Suwan and Anchalee. The names are Thai because I'm Thai and my husband wanted them to have Thai names, even though he is American. I wanted English or American names because they will make the girls' lives a bit easier. After a long debate between us, finally my husband won.

Suwan was born one minute older than Anchalee and she also has more hair. Suwan is more calm while Anchalee is a "wiggling one" (that's her nickname). Oh, I forgot to mention that I had a cesarean section at my 36 weeks of pregnancy. There were very healthy at birth. We brought them home on their 3rd day of birth.

I'm so glad to be able to share this experience with you. There are probably a lot of new moms like me out there that are doing the same thing as me but don't have a chance to express their feeling. This is a wonderful way to express my emotions and thoughts. I will just post some photos for now and I will add some more along the way. I am very happy to welcome these girls two my family and I'm sooooo glad that I've survived a year without going crazy. So far Suwan and Anchalee has been very good girls. They keep me busy but happy. Now, they start to interact more with each other. They love to turn on my karaoke machine and dance along with the music video. They like to imitated what I am doing such as putting my shoe on, carry my purse and using remote control.
It's getting late tonight, I should go. Love to hear comment from you.
Thank you,

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