We took a trip to the Blue Ridge Mountain, NC. We rent a cute log cabin located near the mountain and has a little creek in the back of the cabin. Wow that was quite a trip! This was the twin longest trip away from home. The girls did really well on the van. Luckily, they are heavy and tall enough to be faced forward on the car seat so they get to enjoy watching baby Eistein DVDs along the road. It helped a lot. I didn't have to be with them on the back seat any more. I used to do that when they cried for attention in the past. It was difficult traveling with one year old twins. I had to make sure I have enough supply of snacks, milk, water, and clean bottle in the car. The girls seemed to know that they didn't have any choice but to sit in the car while we traveled. But, boy, when the car stopped they made sure that we took them out for a walk or out of the car seat, other wise they will scream!
The hardest part on this trip was the safety issues during cabin staying. The girls are now moving constantly like working robots. One is over here and the other one is over there. They're not just waking but running. I felt like it was their vacation, not mine. We had to 24-7 monitor the girls to make sure that they didn't get into the draws and cabinets in the kitchen.
In the evening we enjoyed walking along a quiet path with our dog. Suwan liked to collect follen leaves and anchalee liked to hold on to a dog leash.
Suwan was just going crazy playing with water in the creek. She just didn't want to get out. She just wanted to sit in the water and splash it all over the place. Anchalee just liked to stand in the water and looked for rocks on the bottom of the creek and if I didn't pay attention, she would put the rocks in her month.
We made a big mistake one night to eat dinner at a Chinese Buffet without high chairs (they ran out of it). Suwan tried to clamb up on the table and Anchalee sneaked under the table sat on the floor. We managed to finished up quick dinner, but too bad the food was very good.
But the whole trip was worth it. We got to spend a lot of time together. The driving along the Blue Ridge Parkway was among the best. I really think everyone should drive up there! It was like being in heaven among white clound and embraced by endless layers of the Smoky montains. Just love it! This will help boost up my energy so that I can keep up with the girls.
So long for now,
Looks like a beautiful vacation. And those two little pumpkins are just so sweet! (I bet they keep you on your toes!)