Monday, August 29, 2011

Virginia Earthquake At 5.9 on Richter Scale

Last Wednesday (August 24, 2011), US east coast got hit with one of the strongest Earthquake in the century. I have to record this down for myself since I live in Maryland and I could experienced this earthquake for the first time in my life. I was working at my desk and suddenly the dog started to bark and bark. I heard tumbling noises from upstairs and I thought something had gone wrong with the air conditioning unit which located up on the attic, or a few robbers had got into the house and try to steal stuffs. Then the whole house started to shake. I grabbed my keys and purse and ran out the door. Then my husband called from work to see if I was ok, then I realized it was an earthquake. It took awhile for me to figure it out! We were lucky that nothing was damage. I was amazed nothing fell of the shelf or the wall since it was pretty strong quake at 5.9 on Richter scale. After the earthquake, we had Irene, the Hurricane. We were blessed again with only short of power for 12 hrs. while millions of people are still living with out power. I hope those people will get help soon so they can get back to their normal life again. I know this will not be the same for everyone, but we can only hope for the best. I prayer for all of those who are effected by Hurricane Irene.

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